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Our Team

 “In many ways, David raised me. We played football together, loved cooking together, and traveled in Mexico together. We searched for meaning in life together and talked about everything imaginable together.”

Baruch Apisdorf

CEO & Board Member

“David was a fierce competitor, the most fun and joyous person I’ve ever met. He would do anything for anyone, literally. We are inspired by every aspect of our dear friend and are doing what we know he would have wanted us to do – with a hug and a smile.”

Gidon Hazony


“David Newman loved Israel, loved the Jewish nation, and was a devoted protector of the country, and those he loved. With David as our inspiration, we will do everything in our power to make sure that those that protect Israel, are well protected as well. David’s inspiration is with me every day.”

David Gani


“October 7, 2023, marks a profound turning point in our world's history. On that fateful morning, my thoughts were solely centered on the safety and well-being of my dearest friend, Ariel Berger, and his cherished family. Ariel, the bridge that brought Bucky and me together, introduced us to an extraordinary team comprising David, Gidon, and Ike. As I delved into their world, I was moved by the overwhelming passion, love, and shared sorrow as they spoke of their dear friend, David.

I felt an inexplicable connection to David through shared photographs and poignant videos from their past, even though we had never met. I was deeply touched by David's friends' incredible humility and heroism. Driven by this newfound bond and inspired by their unwavering commitment, I wholeheartedly support their cause. I am dedicated to utilizing every resource at my disposal to amplify the mission of SSL and contribute to what could become the most significant impact in the annals of human history.”

Kate Koraia

Treasurer & Board Director

“The ‘Big Boy’ knew how to make everyone else as big as he was. He’ll forever be our friend.”

Ike Bodner

COO & Board Member

Staff Members
Acquisitions Manager

Acquisitions Manager

Gabriel Rivera

 Kaila Zimnavoda

Kaila Zimnavoda

Chief Marketing Officer

Director of Exports

Director of Exports

Ziv Kesner

Ariel Cohen

Ariel Cohen

Chief Logistics Officer



Aviv Nachshon

Moshe Shear

Moshe Shear

Chief Media Officer

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